60 year Old Woman Paralyzed Due to Failure to Diagnose by multiple doctors receives a $7,400,000.00 settlement

Failure to Diagnose

$7,400,000.00 settlement on behalf of a 60 year old woman who became paralyzed in
both legs and one arm after her doctors failed to diagnose an infection in her spine.

This 60 year old lady called her doctor complaining of a stiff neck. He prescribed
muscle relaxants without seeing her. A few days later she went to his office because the
medicine upset her stomach, so much she couldn’t take it. He examined her and gave
her a different muscle relaxant. The following week, the pain in her neck was worse and
he sent her to a doctor specializing in physical therapy. He ordered an MRI on the first
visit. The MRI showed there could be an infection, and the radiologist recommended
certain blood tests. Even though the blood tests showed the possibility of infection in the
spine, he sent her back to her general practice doctor with a recommendation that she be
referred to a Rheumatologist.

The Rheumatologist did more blood tests and eliminated any rheumatologic disease
as the cause of her pain. Then, the rheumatologist referred her to an orthopedist. The
orthopedist didn’t do any tests, but decided her pain wasn’t caused by an infection and
gave her steroids (the worse thing to do if it’s an infection) for the neck pains. The pain
got so bad that her husband brought her to an emergency room of a local hospital. At
the hospital, she complained of a new finding, numbness in her hands. Since she was
under the active care of an orthopedist, the nurse called the orthopedist’s office and
was told to give pain killers and more steroids and send her home. The next day, the
rheumatologist’s office gave her yet another injection of pain killers and sent her home.
The pain got so bad that 3 days after the emergency room visit, her husband took her to a
different hospital where they diagnosed the infection and operated on her, but it was too
late to save her legs and one arm, and they are paralyzed.

– See more at: http://gurfeindouglas.com/our-cases/medical-malpractice/48-medical-malpractice-failure-to-diagnose#sthash.1cp23Vet.dpuf

Misdiagnosed, resulted in paralysis in both legs and one arm

$7,400,000.00 settlement on behalf of a 60-year-old woman who became paralyzed in both legs and one arm after her doctors failed to diagnose an infection in her spine.


Not finding the spinal infection caused serious harm to the woman, leaving her unable to move her legs and one arm. The woman, who remains anonymous, was misdiagnosed and ended up with paralysis in both legs and one arm. This led to life-altering changes for her and her loved ones despite seeking medical care promptly.

Prescription of muscle relaxants without seeing her

This 60-year-old lady called her doctor complaining of a stiff neck. He prescribed muscle relaxants without seeing her. A few days later, she went to his office because the medicine upset her stomach so much she couldn’t take it. He examined her and gave her a different muscle relaxant.

The blood tests indicated a potential spine infection

The following week, the pain in her neck was worse and he sent her to a doctor specializing in physical therapy. He ordered an MRI on the first visit.

The MRI showed there could be an infection; the radiologist recommended certain blood tests. The blood tests indicated a potential spine infection. He recommended that she return to her primary care physician and consider seeing a Rheumatologist. The doctor did more tests and confirmed that her pain was not caused by a rheumatologic disease. 

He gave her steroids for neck pain, which can make an infection worse

Then, the rheumatologist referred her to an orthopedist. The doctor didn’t order tests negligently and said her pain wasn’t from an infection. He gave her steroids for neck pain, which can make an infection worse by wrong diagnosis and wrong treatment.

The pain got so bad that her husband brought her to the emergency room of a local hospital. At the hospital, she complained of a new finding, numbness in her hands. The nurse called the orthopedist’s office for advice on how to care for the patient. They recommended giving painkillers and more steroids before sending her home.

Unfortunately, her legs and one arm had to be amputated, and now she is paralyzed.

The next day, the rheumatologist’s office gave her yet another injection of painkillers and sent her home. The pain became unbearable, so her husband took her to another hospital 3 days after the emergency room visit.

The pain was too much to handle, so her husband brought her to a different hospital three days after going to the emergency room. At the new hospital, they diagnosed an infection, and she had to have surgery. Unfortunately, her legs and one arm had to be amputated, and now she is paralyzed.

We find the right theory of the case even when multiple doctors and hospitals

Many healthcare workers and facilities have made mistakes concerning this patient, and she experienced severe injury resulting in pain and suffering due to their incorrect diagnosis. These mistakes have significantly impacted the patient and her family’s quality of life. You need to know the answers to critical questions such as how to sue a doctor for medical malpractice or how to sue a hospital for medical malpractice. Addressing this case was crucial to ensure accountability and to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

You’ve found the right law firm for a complex medical misdiagnosis by multiple doctors and hospitals. Richard Gurfein and Preston Douglas are the Lawyers With An Edge. If you believe a doctor or hospital has caused you serious harm due to negligence, Gurfein Douglas LLP will help you seek justice by helping you file a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Our Terms & Fees

It does not matter who you are. We want you to have the best representation if you are seriously injured. We work on a Contingency Arrangement, which means we take care of all the expenses of bringing the case to trial. We receive a percentage of the recovery only when the case reaches a successful verdict or settlement.

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